Our Notifications feature can be set at a Client or Matter level. With this beta feature, you will receive an e-mail alert whenever there is a change in the balance of a client or the amount of billable hours, and many more options. See below to learn more about what notifications can be created and how to create them.
Creating a Notification:
To create a notification, first, select the matter and navigate to the notifications tab.
Once you click "Add Notification," a new line will appear for you to complete your choices.
Send To: If you would like the notification to be sent to a client or someone outside of your user list, they will need to be a contact for the matter. To learn how to add a contact to a matter, click here.
When: you would like the notification sent, in this example, we have chosen "Account Balance."
Alert type: provides the options "exceed or falls below." This will be based on the next field, threshold.
Threshold: Here you enter the amount you would like set as your threshold. This field should include numbers only, there's no need to add a dollar sign.
Window: The window feature provides the option to choose from All, Month, Year, or Week. When selecting "Account Balance," this field will be greyed out to All and cannot be changed
Alert Frequency: Here you can choose from daily, weekly, monthly, each occurrence or once.
Notification Types:
A notification can be selected for the below options of when to send, choosing either when the amount exceeds or falls below the specified amount.
- Account Balance: Notification for Account Balance is based on the Billed Balance from the Client Tab
- Billable Amount:
- Billable Hours
- Total Hours
- Unbilled Amount
- Unbilled Hours
- Expense Totals
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