When you open an expense entry you can make adjustments to the entry as long as it's not on a finalized invoice, and you have the appropriate permissions.
Edit or Delete A Time Entry - Billing Complete
The example below reflects a status of "Billing Complete," which reflects this time entry is on a finalized invoice which removes the delete button from the time entry. To allow for deleting of this time entry, simply follow these steps below:
- Note the Invoice the expense entry references, see the green box in the image below, "Invoice 10044."
- Navigate to the Invoice Tab, and search/open invoice 10044.
- Open the invoice and select "unfinalized" in the upper right-hand corner
- Now, open up the expense entry again, and the delete button will be available if you would like to delete the entry
- If you would like to edit the expense, simply make your changes and click save when done.
If you open an expense entry and it shows only a Duplicate and Cancel button that means the entry is on a finalized invoice and can not be edited or deleted.
*Please note, if you make any changes to the hours, or amounts, or delete the entry, your invoice total will change.
Edit or Delete A Time Entry -
If an expense entry is not on a finalized invoice, it can be deleted by pressing the delete button, as seen in the below image. In the example below, the "save & close," "save & new," and "save & duplicate" buttons are all available, which means it is not on a finalized invoice.
To edit this entry, make your changes and click save and close.
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