Tutorial on how to apply overpayments so they show on next invoice created.




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    Kristin O'Neill

    So when you add a payment and the amount is higher than the amount owing, by default, the next invoice will deduct from that credit showing the new current balance. I'm going to convert this to a support ticket just in case you are having further issues so we can get that resolved quickly.

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    Bradley Ketcher

    I'm having the same problem; accounting shows a credit/overpayment, but when I create an invoice it's not on there.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Well, it's been 2 years and I'm still having trouble with this.

    When I go into my clients accounting tab it all looks right and balances are right, BUT on her INVOICES, previous Balance and Balance(Amount Due) amounts are not working out and she is getting upset because she never can figure out how much to pay.

    If I run an ACCOUNT BALANCE report, all the clients that I've had to refund money to are showing up with UNASSIGNED ACCOUNTING amounts that equal the amounts that I have added to their account as an ADJUSTMENT.

    If I'm overpaid and I refund someone the amount of the overpayment, I'm to do a balance adjustment as a debit on their account am I not? Or should I just play with the numbers by marking the invoice paid in full and then refunding them with no record of it.

    I must be doing something wrong but I don't know where.


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    Hi! - a member of our support team is reaching out to assist you.

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    Eric Griffin

    Is there any update to this. I am going to have to quit Bill4Time as due to a single client overpayment, the software continues to generate an incorrect past due amount on subsequent invoices. This should not be that hard. It's maddening.

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