Non-Engagement-Related Entries Disappear Into The Ether




  • Official comment
    Patrick Vernallis

    Hello Andrew, 

    An easy way to pull your non-engagement related entries along with your other entries, is by running a report. Please see the following article from our self-help center for details about how to use a report to gather these particular time entries: 

    Additionally, we are planning to implement a feature at the client-level that would give you quick-access to these non-engagement related entries. 

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    Andrew Turnbull

    As best I can tell, the only way to locate non-engagement-related time and expense entries without using the torturous Time & Expense page Search function (which I critiqued in an earlier post today) is to go into the Create Invoice function from within the client's "home" page...but even at that, the entries are not available for editing, for copying, for duplicating, or for deleting from within the Create Invoice function.  We have zero control over non-engagement-related time entries and expense entries from within the client's "home" page, because we don't even have access to them there.

    This is borderline-unacceptable.  We need to have easy access to our non-engagement-related entries without having to initiate the Create Invoice function and without having to use the user-unfriendly Time & Expense page Search function.  Every time entry and expense entry needs to be accessible and editable from the client "Home" page screens.  One stop shopping, as it were.


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