Emailing Invoice Copies To Ourselves
When we email invoices to clients, we really need the ability to send BCC copies to ourselves. Merely sending CC copies makes us look unprofessional to our clients, because they see the CC in their email and they wonder, "Why is my CPA copying himself on this email??"
Please, please add a BCC field to the Email Invoice screen, and as someone else suggested, have the field automatically pre-populated with our email address so we don't have to enter it every time.
And if you're hesitant to do that because you think there are enough people who wouldn't want their email address pre-populated in the BCC box, then give us an option in Setup where we can "Check box to pre-populate the BCC box when you email invoices" or whatever.
Official comment
Thanks for submitting this feature request - we have implemented a BCC functionality on our invoice emails. This feature does not yet auto-populate with your email address, but we hope to bring this enhancement to this screen in a future iteration if the Invoice Emailing feature.
Comment actions -
I'd like to add one additional, related suggestion or feature request. It would be great if we could delay the delivery of billing emails. I could be doing my billing over a weekend, and I wouldn't want the emails to go out over the weekend because they would be prone to being lost in the avalanche of emails everyone gets these days. By the time clients get in to work on Monday morning, they'll have a lot of emails waiting for them. Our bills can easily get lost in that situation.
Instead, it would be great if we could set future dates and times for the bills to go out, similar to scheduling that we can do with ConstantContact. For example, I would set my weekend-prepared emails to go out on Monday at 10:30am or maybe 2pm, or something like that, after the typical Monday morning chaos has subsided.
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