Hourly Amounts Subtract From Budget
It would be nice if i could set a budget for a project and then have the hourly amounts i log for that project subtract from the budget, for example...
I setup a project with a $1,000 budget, i am billing the client $100 an hour, in the first billing period (lets say 2 weeks) I do 5 hours of work, therefore when i create an invoice for that period it comes up as $500, there is then $500 left in the budget. During the second billing period I do another 5 hours for work, therefore the second invoice is also $500. The budget is now at $0 and some sort of alert is raised so that i am aware of this.
This would be very helpful because often i give a fixed quote for a project and then do progress invoicing based upon the number of hours. I know that currenlty i can simulate this behavior using fixed billing, but it still requires me to manually count up the number of hours I am billing in a week.
Posted by: Daniel Sossaman on Aug 11, 2008 9:38am
According to support, this is possible - but only at the Client level, not on a per-project basis. This use case is fine if you only work on one project for each client at a time. However, it is very likely that multiple projects will be budgeted and worked on simultaneously.
This is a very important improvement that should be included in subsequent enhancements.
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