Sync contacts with Gmail




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    Spencer Stromberg

    I see it has been 2 years since this thread last had a comment. Is there still a plan to introduce Google sync?

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    Jeremy Swanlund

    Did this ever happen?

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    Scott Phillips

    Has there been any progress on Google Contact Sync? This feature is invaluable to those of us who run our business through Google Apps.  Without such an integration, we are forced to use third-party workarounds that require entering client data twice.

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    Matt Kress

    As a user in the trial period, I'm concerned that the devs (or moderator) haven't even bothered to respond to this request, let along show any progress over the past several years.  I like the program so far, but I'm becoming increasingly concerned with the long term viability of this solution.

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    Kristin O'Neill

    This integration is not something we have at this time. Last year we were able to release calendar syncing to allow Apple iCal, Google, and Microsoft Calendar synchronization. We do plan on releasing full integration with all three platforms including emails to clients, contacts, and back and forth calendar snycing. This is something we are looking into for 2013.

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    Jeremy Swanlund

    This has been a request since June 1, 2010. Now we have to wait another year at least for this? My contacts go into this program and just sit there because I can't sync them. Someone has got to have this figured out....

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