Mailing labels



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    By: Lisa Myers on Feb 24, 2009 5:24pm

    Great idea. Also, some type of "mail merge" function (like MS Word) that would allow us to send letters to clients using the contact info in the system.

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    Shawn Ervin

    It would be great to have a button that would drop the client's name and address into a number 10 envelope template

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    Nanci Sebo

    I mail my invoices so would love to be able to do a set of address labels that matches my Invoicees per batch. It takes a lot of time to go through a mail merge selecting only those that received invoices in the latest batch.

    (I am aware that you can set up invoices to format correctly so that the address fits into a windowed envelope) Thanks for that.

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    Angela Bakke

    Has any progress been made on this feature?  Mailing labels was originally suggested 9 years ago.  This is an obvious function that all offices would benefit from.

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