Custom Invoice Number
CompletedIf there were a way for me to specify the starting invoice number when I create an invoice batch in bill4time, then this wouldn't be a problem. I haven't been able to think of any other possible solutions.
Is there any possibility that your team could add the ability to modify that "Invoice Start Number" on the "New Invoice Batch" screen? Surely I'm not the only one experiencing this conundrum.
I have created an invoice on accident and deleted it. Rather than reusing the deleted invoice number the system moves on to the next leaving a gap in invoice numbers. It is not a big deal but allowing the use of custom invoice numbers would avoid gaps in terms of invoice management.
Yes, this would be great! This would also allow for invoice numbers to be customized by practice area. For example, an invoice to a client under the Employment Law practice area by be numbered E0001; whereas, an invoice to a workers' comp client might be WC0001.
... Or by office LAO 10001 SDO 10001 SFO 10001, etc.
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