"No Charge" time entries
Please please please add feature that allows us create entries showing the actual time worked (ie, 5.0 hours), the amount the time is valued at ($500.00) and a "NO CHARGE" line item beneath (or next to) the dollar amount. We often "no charge" clients for various tasks, or simply do it as an act of goodwill... but we want the client to be aware of the work we are doing *and* the fact that we are not charging for that time. Timeslips and TimeNetLaw both have features that allow the user to code each individual entry as "billable", "non-billable" (which does not show up on the invoice) and "no charge" (which shows up but is not charged). Manually editing the slips is not an option: we need to be able to code the entry as we are creating it.
This is a MUST-HAVE feature and we've been waiting for *years* for Bill4Time, Harvest and other web-based services to offer this. So far, nobody does. First one to do it gets our business!!!
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