January 26, 2024 Release Notes
The most recent release of Bill4Time includes several enhancements and an additional new standard report:
New Features:
Historical User Rate Report
Description: Introducing the "Historical User Rate" report, allowing users to analyze the rates they billed clients at different times. This report selectively displays historical rates for users/clients with time entries created within the specified date range.
Report Name: Historical User Rate
Key Features:
Displays all users with time entries within the specified date range.
Displays rates for users/clients with time entries during the given date range.
Statements - Display Late Fees
Description: Our statement feature has been improved to include a new column for late fees under the 'Summary of Billing Period' and 'All Unpaid Invoices' sections. Now, users can easily view any applicable late fees separately in their dedicated column while also being included in the overall 'Amount' column on the statement PDFs.
Statements - Chronological Ordering of Invoices
Description: Our statements feature now showcases invoices listed on the statement PDFs in chronological order based on their dates. This improvement enhances the logical flow of the transaction history, providing users with a clear and structured representation of their financial data.
Client Portal - Payment Logic Enhancement
Description: Bill4Time introduces an enhanced functionality, giving users the flexibility to exceed the account balance in scenarios where clients are making payments into a Trust, even when the client portal settings are configured to "Prevent client portal payments from exceeding remaining account balance". This enhancement provides greater flexibility in payment management. Specifically, with this setting enabled, payments towards Payment Requests with a Trust account selected are no longer bound by the client's current Account Balance.
Time Entries - Firm-wide Location Field
Description: We've expanded the functionality of the Location field (previously known as ‘Onsite’) on time entries to be available on a firm-wide basis rather than matter-specific. This enhancement adds flexibility to our reporting options, allowing users to track time entries based on location across the entire firm, providing a more comprehensive and efficient reporting experience.
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