Reactivate a User
If you deactivated a user you can reactivate them again if needed which will allow them to sign back into the system:
Top right, click your name and select Users. *If you do not see "Users" you may not have access to get to his area of the program.
Bottom left, change the "Show" from Active Users to All Users.
Select the specific User and click Edit
Change their Status from Disabled to Active and click Save.
You can then adjust their permissions and client level access if needed from here as well.
Disable a User
Disabling a user can only be done by a System Administrator on your account. To disable a user, please follow the steps below:
- Click your name located at the top right then click on Users to bring you to User Management
- Click on the user you'd like to disable to go to their User Information page.
- Click on the blue Disable button on the upper right.
- You will get a dialogue box warning you that you are about to disable a user and your monthly billing will be reflected accordingly. Select OK to continue.
- The user is now disabled and they can no longer login to your account.
If you disable a user in your account, you will not be charged for that user going forward but you are responsible for whatever charges have already been incurred for the current billing period. Please see our Refund Policy for more information.
When you disable a user, their information stays preserved in the system so you can continue to run invoices and reports with their Time/Expense entries.
When running reports, next to your User filter you will see an icon to highlight that will allow you to run reports on both Active & Disabled users in your account.
See Disabled Users
- Top right, click your name and then select Users.
- At the bottom of the screen, click the pull down menu next to Show and change the setting to Disabled Users.
**Note** You can include disabled user information in any report by checking the box "Include Disabled" next to the Users dropdown in the report options.
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