For security reasons, Bill4Time login sessions will timeout after a period of inactivity. If you stay logged in at the end of the day and just close your browser or switch to another site instead of logging out, your browser might still retain the original security token from your session. This can lead to timeout issues, as your browser won’t accurately track how long you’ve been logged in.
When you log in, your session lasts for 7 days. If you're actively using the app and have less than 6 hours left in that 7-day window, we automatically extend your session by 1 day. This ensures that you won’t get logged out as long as you're using the system regularly. However, this session is specific to the browser and computer you're using. If you switch to a different device or browser, the session timer will start fresh for that instance.
Please note that simply closing your browser earlier in the day does not end your session.
We strongly recommend logging out at least once per week when you're finished with your work to prevent log out session.
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