When you open an expense entry you can make adjustments to the entry as long as it's not on a finalized invoice, and you have the appropriate permissions.
Edit or Delete An Expense Entry - Billing Complete
The example below reflects a status of "Billing Complete," which reflects this time entry is on a finalized invoice which removes the delete button from the time entry. To allow for deleting of this time entry, simply follow these steps below:
- Note the Invoice the expense entry references, see the green box in the image below, "Invoice 10044."
- Navigate to the Invoice Tab, and search/open invoice 10044.
- Open the invoice and select "unfinalized" in the upper right-hand corner
- Now, open up the expense entry again, and the delete button will be available if you would like to delete the entry
- If you would like to edit the expense, simply make your changes and click save when done.
If you open an expense entry and it shows only a Duplicate and Cancel button that means the entry is on a finalized invoice and can not be edited or deleted.
*Please note, if you make any changes to the hours, or amounts, or delete the entry, your invoice total will change.
Edit or Delete An Expense Entry -
If an expense entry is not on a finalized invoice, it can be deleted by pressing the delete button, as seen in the below image. In the example below, the "save & close," "save & new," and "save & duplicate" buttons are all available, which means it is not on a finalized invoice.
To edit this entry, make your changes and click save and close.
Edit the Date on a Expense Entry
When you open an expense and click on the date to change you must follow these steps. Choose the Month you want, then the Year (if needed), then pick a Day. If you just change the month and do not pick a day, it will not stick.
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