Invoices will reflect the payments received before your Invoice Date. So if your invoice is dated 04/30 and a payment is dated 05/01, the payment will not show on the invoice because it is dated after the invoice. You can either change the payment date to be before the invoice date or change the invoice date to reflect after the payment date - if you would like for the payment to be reflected.
To change the Payment date follow the steps below:
- Go to Clients and click on the desired client
- Click on the gray Accounting tab to the right
- Click on the desired payment
- Click the Edit button
- Change the date
- Click the Save button
To change the Invoice date follow the steps below:
- Go to Invoicing - Find Invoice
- Find the desired invoice
- Click the Unfinalize button
- Click the date to change
- Click the Save button
- Finalize the invoice again
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