What report will tell me when invoices were paid?
Running the Account Activity report will show all payments and the date entered.
What report would I run if I want to see the totals due for each Project?
If you want to run a fast report to see the amounts due and unbilled amounts for each Project then run the Account Balance report. This report pulls up to a certain date and can be filtered by Client, Project, or Account Manager.
Is there a report that will show me my payments entered and what invoices they are applied to?
If you want to run a report to see if payments are applied to invoices and what invoices they are applied to then run the Payments Applied report.
You can choose a date range to/from, and select a Payment Status including All, Unapplied, Partially Applied, or Fully Applied.
Once you run the report you will see all payments and the invoices they are applied to including the Amounts Applied and Amounts Remaining.
You will also see the Unapplied payments. You can click on the Payment which will bring it up in a pop-up which you can easily Edit and apply to an invoice if there is one out there. Once saved, refresh the report and the payment or credit adjustment will show as Applied.
Is there a report I can see all the Notes entered on a Client or Project?
If you want to run a report to see all the "Notes" entered on a Client or Project then run the Client Project Entries report. From there you can choose a specific date range to/from and filter either by Client or Project.
If you only want to see the "Notes" you can uncheck the Client File Uploads, Expense Entries, Time Entries, and Project File Uploads. Click Update when finished choosing the filters you want.
From all the reports you can Print, create a PDF, and export to Excel.
What report would I run to get a list of all my clients email addresses?
A list of Clients with their detailed information (such as address, phone, and email contacts) can be found in 2 ways, the Client List Report or a Client export via the Data Management tab.
What report can I run to get the totals in Trust per client?
Running the Trust Report will show all trust account transactions. You can run this report from dates to/from and filter either by Client or Account Manager. You can also group the report by Month, Client, Project, or Bank Account. Press Generate to run the report.
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