The Invoice A/R Aging Report is based on payments applied to invoices in your B4T Account. If payments have been entered into your account but not applied to an invoice, they will not appear on this report and the invoice amounts due will not be accurately reflected.
Applying Payments
To ensure that this report is accurate and reflects the proper aging data, payments and credit adjustments must be applied to your invoices.
Alternatively, if you choose not to apply payments to invoices (or do not use the "Track Paid/Unpaid Invoice Status" feature) then we suggest instead running the Account Activity report - which will allow you to see all invoice totals, payment totals, adjustment totals, and unbilled totals per client within the date range you select. You can also run the Account Balance report - which will show the total balance due for each client/project up to a certain date. Additionally, you can also review your Payments Received report to see all payments entered into the account within the date range you select.
Paid Invoice Showing as Unpaid
On the Invoice A/R Aging report, if an invoice that you know has been paid by the client still shows an amount due, then that payment has not been fully applied to that invoice.
A shortcut would be to run the report, then click on the Invoice Number which will open a new browser window to the Invoice Details screen.
- From this screen click onto the Payments tab of the invoice, then click the blue "Apply Payment" button. If a Payment or Credit Adjustment has been entered for the client/project but has not yet been fully applied, it will be listed in this window.
- Pull down the Payment drop-down menu to choose the corresponding payment for the invoice, then click Save. (If you have more than one payment to apply to this invoice, simply follow these steps again to apply all desired payments available until the Invoice has been marked "Paid".)
- Once all desired payments have been applied, close the pop-up window and click "Run Report" once more and the invoice will no longer be reflected on the report.
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