The Invoice Email report enables you to review the details of all invoices sent via email directly from Bill4Time.
Start by setting the date range. Then you can run the report by specific Clients or for all clients in the selected date range. The report will be grouped by client and show the Invoice, Sent Date, Invoice Description, Email Subject, Email To, and Email CC.
We now show if an email has been rejected! The last column will show the following reasons if rejected.
- Unsub: This means the recipient unsubscribed from the emails.
- Hard-bounce: failed to deliver for permanent reasons, such as the recipient's address is invalid (either because the domain name is incorrect, isn't real, or the recipient is unknown.)
- Soft-bounce: a temporary email delivery failure that occurs when an email reaches the recipient's mail server but is returned before it reaches their inbox. Soft bounces are often caused by issues like a full inbox, a server problem, or an email file that is too large
- Spam: The email was rejected as it was detected as spam.
You can Print, export to Excel, and create a PDF from all reports.
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