The Time Entry Report provides the option to group and filter all time entire entered.
Filter Options:
- Clients
- Matters
- Users
- Client Type
- Matter Type
- Location (if enabled)
- Billing Method: All, Hourly, Contingency, Flat Fee
Grouping Options:
- Activity
- Client
- Matter
- User
More Options
Show Overtime Flag Column: When enabled a column will show for each time entry, reflecting Y/N (Yes/No) if a time entry is overtime.
Exclude From Invoice Column: When enabled a column will show for each time entry, reflecting Y/N (Yes/No) if a time entry is marked exclude from invoice..
Paid Status:
Unpaid: On an invoice, that has not been paid. Usually this means nothing has been paid, but as long as the payment is less than the invoice total, it will be in the unpaid category.
Paid: On and invoice, and the the invoice total balance is $0. A $0 balance can be achieved, through payments, write downs, adjustments, or being a $0 invoice.
Outstanding: Not on an invoice. Outstanding as in not on an invoice yet
Unpaid: On an invoice, that has not been paid. Usually this means nothing has been paid, but as long as the payment is less than the invoice total, it will be in the unpaid category.
Exclude from Invoice Entries Options:
- Include in Report
- Don't Include in Report
- Show Only
Advanced Filters:
- Show and Order By Created Date: This orders the report by the created date of the time entries.
- Include Internal Time: If enabled, internal time can be included. Learn more here.
- Show Service Summary:
- Show Task Codes:
- Show Time Entry IDs: This will show the database ID's of the time entries.
- Show Time Entry Times: Displays the date and time of the entry.
- Show Invoice ID: If the Time entry is on an invoice, this column will reflect the invoice ID.
- Show Billing Status: (Same as Paid Status Filter) Unpaid, Paid, and Outstanding.
- Show Billing Method: Adds a column to reflect Flat Fee, Contingency, or Hourly.
- Show Created Date: Coming Soon! This is the date the entry was added to the system, where as entry date reflects the date of the entry.
Show Days to Enter: Coming Soon! This is the count of days from the creation date to the entry date.
Created Date: 01/01/2024 and Entry date is 12/25/2023 = 5 days
Created date: 12/25/2023 and Entry Date is 01/01/2024 = -5 days
The entry is added ahead and should not be as a day delay)
Created Date and Entry date are the same = 0 Days
Tips and Tricks:
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