There are three spaces within Bill4Time that Users can view their NetDocuments: Document Storage, Matter pages, and linked Client pages. Documents can be linked from the Document Storage tab and the Matter's Document Subtab.
Document Storage
The Document Storage page will initially request NetDocuments login information. Once that information is entered, all documents for that User’s login for NetDocuments are displayed, whether they are linked or not.
On the upper left side of the screen you can select either Full View or Compact View by toggling between them. The Compact View is the default view.
The following functionality is exactly the same as within NetDocuments:
- Clicking the document title will download the document to your computer in your default saving location.
- Clicking on the line for any listed document will pop up a box with more information on that document. This will default to the "Details" tab, but you can also shift over to the "Preview" tab for a quick view of that document.
- Clicking the gear icon on the far right will bring up the List View Display which will show a list of "Attributes". Checking the box next to each Attribute will add that column to the display grid. These options can be put into any desired order by clicking and dragging to the right.
These options can be reset by clicking the "Restore default settings" link or saved by clicking the "Save as repository default" link. When finished, click the "Ok" button.
Linking Documents
Clicking the blue "Link Net Documents" button will allow specific Bill4Time Client/Matter combinations to be linked with NetDocuments Workspaces. From the new window, select the Bill4Time Client and Matter in the upper dropdown boxes, and then select the NetDocuments options in the lower dropdown boxes.
A new window will pop up with the selected Clients and Matters for you to review. To continue with the link, click the blue "Ok" button in the lower right and confirm the link by clicking the blue "Ok" button in the new popup window.
Note: Depending on how you have set up your NetDocuments configuration, you may not see the "Cabinet" dropdown shown above.
Unlinking Documents
Clicking the blue "See All Connections" button will pop up a box with all Client/Matter combinations in Bill4Time that are linked to a NetDocuments Workspace. From this box, you’ll see the Bill4Time Client and Matter names displayed on the left with the NetDocuments Workspace name in the center. On the right will be the date it was linked and the name of the Bill4Time User who created the link.
In order to unlink, select one or multiple rows and then click the red "Unlink" button at the bottom of the table.
Matter Documents Page
From the Matter's "Documents" subtab, it's possible to link documents by clicking the blue "Link Net Documents" button. (See Linking instructions above).
Clients Documents Page
Once you have created the links between Bill4Time and NetDocuments, you can see an aggregated view of all documents linked to the Client on the Client’s "Documents" subtab. This is because one Client can be linked to multiple Workspaces in NetDocuments. (See Linking instructions above). This view will allow you to quickly Filter and Sort through any documents linked to that specific client.
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