Client Not Available to Create an Invoice




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    Bob Meynardie

    I do not understand why I cannot create a reminder invoice when there is no unfilled time.  I do not want to send my client a statement of all past invoices and payments.  I want a simple statement that says you owe XXX.

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    Jessica Eballar

    Good point, Bob. I can imagine how that would be a more simple document to send to the client.

    Perhaps with a statement, you are pro-actively giving the client a history of past invoices and payments that would explain the balance they owe you. It could possibly make it easier for the client to pay you the balance. They may not remember all the payments they sent to you in the past, and may have thought they already paid you in full. Once they see the history, they can see how everything progressed to the current balance. It would also reflect the honesty and integrity of your company! :)

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