Applying a Credit to an invoice is easy with a Balance Adjustment. This operates similarly to applying a Payment in Bill4Time.
A) How to create a Credit Balance Adjustment and apply it to an Invoice:
- Click on the main Accounting tab or go to the Client's Accounting subtab
- Click the blue Balance Adjustment button
- Select the Client the Adjustment is for
- Enter the Amount of Credit
- If needed - adjust the date
- Change the Adjustment "Type" from Debit to Credit
- Enter Notes if desired
- Select an invoice number and the amount to apply to that Invoice
- Adjust the Date if desired and click Apply
- Repeat for as many Invoices as desired
- When you are done, click the blue Save button
The Adjustment will now be added to the Client's Accounting and applied to the Invoice(s) you selected.
B) How to apply an existing Credit Balance Adjustment from the Accounting subtab to an invoice:
- Click on the Clients tab
- Select the desired Client
- Click on the Client's Accounting subtab
- Click on the Adjustment you wish to edit
- In the new window click on the blue Edit button
- Toward the bottom under Invoice Number, select the desired Invoice
- Adjust the Date if desired, and enter amount you want applied to the Invoice
- Click the blue Apply button
- Repeat for as many Invoices as desired
- Then click the blue Save button
C) How to apply an existing unapplied Credit Balance Adjustment while reviewing an Invoice:
- Click on Invoicing in the Navigation bar
- Click on the desired Invoice (if you cannot find it, search for it via the Invoice search box)
- Once inside the Invoice, click on the Payments tab (of the Invoice)
- Then click the blue Apply Payment button
- In the payment pull down menu, choose the Adjustment that was previously added to the system
- Adjust the Date if desired, or click the blue Get Payment Date link to use the original Adjustment Date
- The Amount will fill itself, however this can be modified if you want the amount to be lower than the Payment
- Press the blue Save button
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