Making sure that all available funds are applied before sending out your clients' next invoices, will help ensure that they receive an accurate balance due figure. Doing this regularly (across your entire account) will also help you pull accurate data from any related accounting reports and help resolve late fees (if you are using those) as well!
If you're working on cleaning up your accounting for multiple/all clients, it would be easiest to use the "Payments Applied" report to locate these "partially applied" or "unapplied" funds.
Please follow these instructions to utilize this report:
- Click on the "Reports" tab (in the row of gray tabs across the top of your screen). Then, click on the "Accounting" section of this page.
- Scroll down to the "Payments Applied" report and click the blue "Generate" button.
- To properly configure the filters for this report:
- Backdate the "Start Date" to ensure you're capturing your full payment history.
- Be sure to click the options to "Include Disabled Clients" and "Include Closed Projects/Matters" (the round, clock-face shaped icons above those fields).
- Choose whether or not to "Remove Balance Adjustments" from the report data.
(Note: leaving credit adjustments unapplied will affect your client's balance accuracy as well. Credit adjustments do need to be applied to invoices, in the same way that payments are.) - Filter this report to locate "Partially Applied" or "Unapplied" Payments (within the filter options, on the left side of the report screen).
- Click "Run Report".
- Backdate the "Start Date" to ensure you're capturing your full payment history.
- Once you've run this report, you'll be able to start applying these funds to clean up your client's accounting! Please proceed to the next section for further instructions.
Below is an example of how a "Partially Applied" payment would look on this report. If you click on the blue text link in the "Id" column, it will open the original payment record right from within this screen!
Please follow these instructions to apply these funds from within the report:
- Run this report using the filters shown in the previous section.
- Click on the blue payment link in the "ID" column, for the payment you'd like to apply. This will open a pop-up window, containing the original payment record.
- Click the blue "Edit" button at the bottom of this pop-up window.
- Place a check-mark next to the invoice(s) you'd like to apply funds to, from the list of "Unpaid Invoices" at the bottom of the window.
- Click "Save" at the bottom of the window to apply these funds and update the clients accounting.
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