Making sure that all available funds are applied before sending out your client's next invoice, will help ensure that they receive an accurate balance due figure.
(If you'd like to locate/apply over-payments on multiple/all clients, please click HERE instead.)
- Click on your "Clients" tab and find that client in this list there.
- Click anywhere on that line to open their profile, then click on their "Accounting" tab (located in the row of gray tabs below their name.)
- Any payments on this screen that don't already have a green check-mark in the "Paid/Applied" column, have remaining funds which would need to be manually applied.
- Take notice of any payments without a green check-marks in the "Paid/Applied" column. If you find one - click anywhere on that line to open the original payment record.
- The "Amount Remaining" will be listed near the bottom of the window - you'll need to click the blue "Edit" button to apply those funds to another invoice.
(If you don't have any unpaid invoices and you wish to refund this amount to your client, please click here for refund instructions instead.) - After you click "Edit", select the unpaid invoices to apply this remainder, then click "Save". In this example, we're applying the remainder to invoice #10051.
- Once all funds have been utilized, you'll see a green check-mark appear next to the payment on the client's accounting tab.
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