Within Accounting, you will be able to view Invoices, Payments, Adjustments, as well as Unbilled Activity. You can Add Payments and Adjustments from your Accounting as well.
Applying and Receiving Payments
Receiving a payment is acknowledging that a payment has been received from the client. When adding a payment, the funds will automatically be deducted from the client's outstanding totals.
Applying a payment allows you to keep track of payments against certain invoices. Applying a payment has no effect on the totals of a client's account, it only changes an invoice status from saying Unpaid to Paid.
Applying payments is the best way to run accurate accounting reports. The Invoice AR Aging, Payments Applied, Collections, and Invoice report all require payments to be applied to Invoices in order to show the proper totals. The totals from these reports are based on the invoice status.
Edit a Payment
- Select the Accounting tab on the main menu
- Click on the desired client
- You will now be viewing the client's billing history. The billing history will list all of the client's credits (Payments and Credit Balance Adjustments) and debits (Invoices & Debit Balance Adjustments)
- Click the desired payment and the payment window will pop-up
- Click the Edit button at the bottom right
- Make the necessary changes to the payment (Please note: If the payment has already been applied to one or more invoices, you should first delete the applied line items.)
- Check the box on the left next to the invoice(s) you would like the payment applied to
- Click Save
Deleting a Payment Within the Main Accounting Tab
- Click on the main Accounting tab, in the row of gray tabs along the top of the screen.
- Click on the desired client to whom the accounting entry was attributed. (If you don't see their name here, simply search for that Client by using the Search box.)
- Click on the accounting entry.
- A pop-up window will open and click on the Delete button.
- Click on the Ok button.
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