System Admins will have access to these tabs, which can be found by clicking your name and choosing "settings," from the dropdown menu. In order to properly use Bill4Time, you must first set up your Firm/System Settings, so the program is set up correctly for your company. In the Administrative section of the dashboard clicking on Settings will take you to the screen below:
General Tab
This is where you will set up the general information for your firm. As is stated in our privacy policy, no information in Bill4Time will ever be transmitted, shared, or sold to anyone. Click on the Edit Settings button to edit the information on this screen. When you are done with your changes, clicking on Save Changes will commit these changes to the system. If you do not want to save the changes made to this screen, simply click on the Back button to cancel them.
To Edit your General Settings first click "Edit Settings," if you receive a message all fields must be filled, you may need to check all tabs for incomplete fields.
Business Information: This is the legal Business information for your company.
Business Owner Information: This should reflect the owner of your company.
This is the contact information that Bill4Time should use to reach out regarding your B4T Account.
System Tab
This is where you will customize your system settings. To enable/disable a feature, make sure you click Edit Settings first. To learn more about the System Tab and all of its functions, click here.
Invoice Setup
Your Invoice Setup allows you to customize your Invoice Template settings for your firm.
Custom Lists
With Bill4Time you can customize your interface to meet the needs of your firm. Here, you can edit and add items to the drop-down menu choices that will be available to your users on many different Bill4Time screens. To learn more click here.
Company Logo
You can add a logo to both your Dashboard and invoice to make the system more personable and customizable. Click the Edit Settings button, and then upload your logo for the system and your invoices. The system logo will replace the “Bill4Time” logo located at the top left corner of every page in the system. If you have any issues uploading your logo please email for further assistance. To learn more click here.
Document Storage
Bill4Time can be used as an online document management system as all documents uploaded to the program can be accessed from any computer and any location. We also integrate with Box and Netdocs.
Payments & Client Portal
The Client Portal has many benefits not only for your business but also for your clients. When setting up your client portal you can go through certain settings like setting up a payment option for your clients to pay for their invoices online. You can also invite your clients to the portal so they can securely log in to view past invoices and payments as well as being automatically notified when emails are ready for them to view. There are many helpful articles on the client portal here.
Custom Fields
"Custom Fields" are available to accounts with the Enterprise Add-On. With this feature enabled, additional customizable fields can be added at the User Profile level, Client profile, Project/Matter profile, Time Entry screen, Expense Entry screen, and Invoice Details page.
This is where you can see your firm’s billing history (bills your firm incurs each month for the use of the Bill4Time service). From here, you can view your billing history for all past charges as well as update your credit card at any point.
By eliminating employee re-entry of data that Bill4Time already captures, APIs decrease internal costs for organizations by reducing internal costs. Simply put, this interface allows programmers to develop applications that communicate with an existing application or service to automate the flow of data and manual data entry.
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