Multi-factor Authentication: is a security measure that requires users to identify themselves through two or more verification factors.
Track Client Locations: To track your client’s various business locations. With this enabled, you can input various locations and select the appropriate one when creating a project.
Track Internal (Non-Client Time): If you want your users to track their non-billable/non-client related time such as lunch breaks, internal meetings, vacations, etc.
Time Matter Start/Due Dates: This allows for start dates and due dates to be added to matters.
Verify Time/Fee Entries Before Billing: If selected, before an invoice can be finalized, the user will be required to verify and approve each billable time entry. Creating an additional quality assurance check before Invoices are sent. If this option is not selected, you can still review and make corrections to invoices before finalizing and printing them
Verify Expenses Before Billing: This is the same as the Verify Time Entries Before Billing option. If not selected, you can still review and edit expenses before billing.
Allow "Non-Matter Related" Time/Expense Entries: If selected, users will be able to enter billable time that is not part of a client project. Since there is no project assigned to these activities, you will need to create a Client Summary Report to view all of these time entries. When creating a statement for these entries, just choose the name of the client.
Require Activity Type on Time Entries: Makes the Activity Type field a required entry on the time entry screen. If you do not wish to require an Activity Type, just uncheck this box.
Use Trust Accounting: This is a Legal Pro feature. This allows you to track payments from a trust account. Useful for lawyers and law firms, but not needed for other professions.
Allow Overtime Billing Rates: Checking this will allow you to bill differently for overtime work, so you can later mark a time entry as Overtime and it will be billed accordingly.
Sort Matters Alphabetically: Checking this will sort your projects in alphabetical order automatically.
Enable LEDES File Export: Used to convert invoices into electronic bills. Used by lawyers and law firms
Enable ABA Standard Codes: This allows the American Board Association activity/task codes to be required fields for time/expense entries. Used for LEDES exported invoices
Enable Custom Invoice Numbers: – This allows you to edit invoice numbers.
Accounting Type: Choose from Bill4Time Accounting, QuickBooks Accounting, or External Accounting.
Accounting Isolation: The Accounting Isolation can be set on the company level under the Settings which will default to all clients in the account. You also have the ability to override this setting per client so the isolation you use the most would want to be set up under the Settings.
Project Mnemonic: A descriptive word that best captures your company’s types of projects, for example, Matter, Case, Ticket, Issue, etc. The changes will be reflected throughout the entire Bill4Time system for your firm, including invoices, reports, and statements.
Labor Mnemonic: A descriptive word that best captures your company’s type of service. Some examples are: Labor, Labour, Service, etc.
Activity Mnemonic: A descriptive word that best captures your company’s type of service. Some examples are: Labor, Labour, Service, etc.
Tax Mnemonic: A descriptive word that best describes your company’s tax type. Some examples are: Tax, GST, VAT, etc.
Tax 2 Mnemonic: A descriptive word that best describes your company’s second tax type. Some examples are: Tax, GST, VAT, etc.
Expense Markup: Enter the default markup percentage that will be used when entering expenses. You may override this amount if you wish when you enter each expense.
System Date Format: Choose between either U.S. or European date formats
Week Display: This will allow you to choose between mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
Timer Interval: – Interval for time entries when using the timer. So when you track “0.1” of your time, the timer tracks one-time interval.
Default Currency: Choose the currency symbol that you wish to work with. You can also change the currency symbol for only a specific client from the Client Settings section
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